The Widick Family

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Dentist

Yesterday I had to go to the dentist to have a crown replaced. While in the chair, I was thinking about how really violating it is to go to the dentist. At least when you go to any other doctor, you have your own room, and they close the door. They usually give you a paper gown or paper blanket to cover yourself with....helping you have some sort of privacy. Not so at the dentist. You can have 2-3 people poking around with your mouth wide open for all the world to see. Not only that, but then there's the continual water sprayer and vacuum going on in your mouth. It's just very invading. I know it all needs to be done, and dentistry has come a long way in making procedures more comfortable for patients. But still....It's not one of my most favorite activities.
So, I was really worried about Josie's first dental appointment and how she was going to handle it. I think next time, I'll go to a pediatric dentist. It was much more fun! The minute we walked in, she LOVED the waiting room with all the toys. Then they took her back and got her all settled in her chair. They gave her pretty pink flower sunglasses to wear (I got sunglasses, too, but mine were ugly "scientist" looking glasses). Then she got her own mirror to hold. She was not a fan of the girl cleaning her teeth (with the rotating drill thingy), but who is??? She got 2 Elmo stickers for being good and a No Cavities Club sticker. She had yummy bubblegum flouride painted on her teeth. Dr. Delclos (highly recommended to anyone in our area...he was great!!) said her teeth look fantastic! She still has 2 molars coming in on top. We're doing a great job of consistently brushing her teeth every night, no need to floss right now, and she can keep her paci!!!! Then Josie got to go to the toy box where she picked a beautiful yellow beaded necklace, a matching yellow bracelet, and a lovely mini rubber ducky. She did cry, but was easily comforted when everyone was done looking in her mouth. Overall, for her first visit, I'd say she did pretty awesome!

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