The Widick Family

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My Little Mama

This morning while I was typing an email to Lane, Josie was playing in her room. I got a little nervous when I noticed that it was very quiet.....which usually means she's into something she shouldn't be. About the time I finished the email, she came into the living room carrying her baby, one of her diapers, and a disposable changing pad she had gotten off her changing table. So, we laid the changing pad out on the couch, and I showed her how to put the diaper on her baby. Once the clean diaper was on, she put her baby to sleep by wagging her finger in its face and saying "close your eyes!!!!" Then she "patted" it three times, not very gently.
It was soooo funny!!! Obviously, she's heard me tell her to "close your eyes!!!" But sometimes I wonder where she gets her "motherly" nature. I never showed her how to carry her baby or love on it, but she certainly knows how! I was a tomboy and never really played with dolls. But I love my little girly-girl! She's so sweet!
Now she has her baby sitting in the front of her grocery cart. I guess they're going to the store!

1 comment:

  1. i just stumbled on your blog... this is so 'awwww' :)
