Today was the first day I let Josie "help" me in the kitchen. She's going to be 2 years old soon, so she can start helping more. Nana and Papa (my parents) are coming to visit us before they leave from Galveston on a cruise on Sunday. We haven't seen them since Christmas, so we are really excited about their visit! So, Josie and I made some healthy Banana Oatmeal cookies as a special treat while they are here. Josie was a very good helper! I measured the ingredients and then she dumped them in the bowl. She was especially good at stirring (only a little bit flew out of the bowl!) and she LOVED the mixer! Throughout our "lesson" she was really more interested in playing with the dishes on the drying rack on the counter. And I was scared to death she was going to fall off the chair I had her standing on to reach the counter. I had to keep reminding her of what we were doing. After finally getting the cookies all mixed together, her attention was completely gone. So, I had to put them on the baking sheets myself. But overall, our first cooking lesson went very well! (And the cookies are delicious!)
How many points are "healthy banana oatmeal cookies"? :)